Resident Evil Village
Resident Evil Village
Reviewed by Alan Valdez
What is it?
Resident Evil Village is the latest installment in the survival horror franchise, Resident Evil. Story-wise, it is a direct sequel to 2017’s Resident Evil 7.
We follow the character Ethan Winters, as he goes to a village full of monsters in order to track down and save his daughter Rose. Along the way, he encounters all manner of antagonists and puzzles to solve. The game feels like a theme park of horror, with each section bringing a different style of scares.
The game has a lot of swearing, from our protagonist Ethan as well as many of the enemies he comes across.
As a horror/action game, Resident Evil Village is full of realistic graphic violence and gore. Definitely not for anyone younger than teens, and even then depending on maturity level.
Sexual content
Sexual content is very minor, some suggestive content and cleavage. No nudity and no explicit talk of sex.
Positive Points
The game has some creative puzzle solving sections, a story with the love of a parent at its core and gameplay that requires some strategic thinking and good reflexes. Nothing too deep and the game is more of a roller coaster ride than an opportunity for learning.
How fun is it?
Resident Evil Village is a very fun and fast paced game. If the player is someone that enjoys tension and horror, as well as action and an engaging story, they will love it. We give it an 8 out of 10 fun factor.
FUN FACTOR: 8 out of 10
PARENT SCORE: 4 out of 10
+Fun and exciting gameplay
– Heavy on swearing
– Graphic violence
Resident Evil Village is an exciting and challenging thrill ride full of things horror fans will love, but it is not suitable for anyone younger than 14 or children to whom frights may have a lasting effect.
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- Fun and exciting gameplay
- Fast paced
- Engaging story
- Heavy on swearing
- Graphic violence
- not suitable for anyone younger than 14 or children to whom frights may have a lasting effect.